Saturday 8 October 2016

We start the Friends for Life programme next week in school  in 3rd- 6th class. Below is some information on the programme, JF

The ‘FRIENDS for Life’  is a school-based positive mental health programme. The World Health Organisation cites ‘FRIENDS for Life’ as the only evidence-based programme effective at all levels of intervention for anxiety in children (WHO, 2004). This social emotional learning program was developed by Dr Paula Barrett in Australia.
FRIENDS for Life helps students to develop effective life skills strategies to deal with worry, stress and change and teaches the skills required to reduce anxiety and promote resilience. Students identify feelings, explore ways to relax, build strategies to break down challenges/goals into manageable steps, build positive support structures and more. It is known to be beneficial for all students, irrespective of their anxiety level.
The FRIENDS program is taught in the classroom over 10 or more weeks, and may also be integrated into various parts of the curricula year round.

FRIENDS has a parent component, where parents are encouraged to reinforce FRIENDS skills with their children at home for the further integration of these skills.

Image result for learning quote for kids
A good quote to remember! JF